
The Voyage

I have realized that I have at least two problems with the writing of this blog:

Firstly: I lack a sense of direction and structure. The event-style episodes of Midan Kairo does not work here. Simply because my life does not move at the same pace and in as many unintended directions. The waves does not go as high, nor as low. And therefore I cannot write in the same way. It will have to reflect the new reality of my life and work. Less haphazardly, more orderly, less exciting, more educational. I am looking for a new frame of writing, but I have not found it yet. As a result the coming posts will be a bit unorderly until I find it.

Secondly: There are certain restrictions with regards to what I am allowed to write vis-à-vis my employer concerning issues such as secrecy and loyalty. One of the barriers is formal and the other is personal. The former is pretty straightforward in that I am not allowed to divulge certain information and the like. The latter is more complex in that I am now part of an organization and I feel, in a way, obliged to honour my decision to work for them. The subtext of this does not imply that I have a dirty secret to tell or that I want to criticize my employer. What it does mean however is that I feel restrained, whether the practical implications of that restraint are real or not. The end result is that I feel inhibited in the sense that I have made the pool of thought from which I draw the inspiration and the material to write this blog smaller.

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