
The man from U.N.C.L.E.

Hahaha, past and future together in a matter of moments. Life and such a killer.

"History is a nightmare from which we are trying to awake" ...I'm tired.

Whether we accept it, like it, or rather in spite of all that we do, it goes forward. To the future my friends! To the future!

Perception and nonsense, vapors. Smoke and mirrors.

A construct with physical substance. Nay, something entirely different. Something real.

From the darkest nightmares conjured,
Something which the depths allured,
Away, away! -he went,
From where is this construct sent?
From out the shallow sea,
This thing now beams -I'm free!
And on his shoulders all depended,
A fog of war descended,
Tomorrow... it won't be shady,
Because today:

a baby


Oh my God, It's good to see, another day another Euro

F it

Structure Schmuckture. I decide.

Some of us were standing in our booth.

- Never have I seen such a sorry, tired and weighed down crowd - teachers. No disdain though.

Fortunately, we were inside the Halo of Stars; saved by it, glorified. Peddling information in exchange for dissemination. Influence, loyalty.

The scavengers were kept at bay and their hunger satiated by the products of our unending generosity.

We decide. We lead. Others follow, flee in our direction.

Such is the lure of Us.

They beg to be crowned with this thorn of stars; drowned in this sea of Euros.


The Voyage

I have realized that I have at least two problems with the writing of this blog:

Firstly: I lack a sense of direction and structure. The event-style episodes of Midan Kairo does not work here. Simply because my life does not move at the same pace and in as many unintended directions. The waves does not go as high, nor as low. And therefore I cannot write in the same way. It will have to reflect the new reality of my life and work. Less haphazardly, more orderly, less exciting, more educational. I am looking for a new frame of writing, but I have not found it yet. As a result the coming posts will be a bit unorderly until I find it.

Secondly: There are certain restrictions with regards to what I am allowed to write vis-à-vis my employer concerning issues such as secrecy and loyalty. One of the barriers is formal and the other is personal. The former is pretty straightforward in that I am not allowed to divulge certain information and the like. The latter is more complex in that I am now part of an organization and I feel, in a way, obliged to honour my decision to work for them. The subtext of this does not imply that I have a dirty secret to tell or that I want to criticize my employer. What it does mean however is that I feel restrained, whether the practical implications of that restraint are real or not. The end result is that I feel inhibited in the sense that I have made the pool of thought from which I draw the inspiration and the material to write this blog smaller.


Airport garage

I was sitting on a bench, in a damp and windy garage under Brussels International Airport. A habit, it seemed, as I returned every day; except one. I was waiting for a bus to take me downtown or to my hotel. The way to the city was drawn through the airport or, more truthfully, my seedy barracks of a hotel was placed in an industrial area in close proximity to the airplanes' nest and therefore out of reach for the public transportation system.

Finally the shuttle bus arrived, probably late. I need a cab for tomorrow. There's a general strike and nothing's moving, except taxis. I'm tired. Alright, they'll help me. It'll be great to lay down on the bed in my room to read and write. I'll probably have to put some important papers together for the conference tomorrow too. What's the code to my door again, yes I wrote it down. Click. Nothing. The code is accepted, it works, but the door won't open. Ridiculous! I NEED to get in to my room, I paid for it! Bodycheck. Bang! ...nothing. Alright, the staff must surely have a key or a plan b. - My door won't open and I know my keycode. - Alright, I'll check. Bodycheck ...nothing. -I'll call a technician, you can have the room next door. - OK, but i still need my stuff. - He'll be here soon. ... A sound. I go out in to the corridor. A young man with a bag of secrets is working on the door, he has dismantled the electronic apparatus and is now trying different instruments on the door itself. Nothing. It's time to take the gloves off. It's sunday evening and it's not fun anymore so he reaches deep down into his bag, picks up a crowbar and breaks the door open.

- I'll just pick up my stuff and move in to the room next door.
- yea, this room is out of order.

En programförklaring - Letter of intent

Sorry, I forgot to tell what these pages will hold.

This time the main focus will be, at least on the outset, to write about my experiences as a trainee (stagière) for the European Commission, at their representation in Stockholm.

Other than that, who knows. I hope it will be more but I'm not certain.

PS. A disclamier too, to be sure. In no way do I represent the European Commission. The views expressed here are purely my own...or others that I've stolen from a book..or...well, at least they do not represent the European Commission.



"Welcome to the most prestigeous and best employer in the world. Ask anyone at the UN, NATO, IMF or the World Bank."

I was seated, listening to the best of my abilities to the speaker who was switching effortlessly between english and french. Beside me and around me young people from all over Europe. Balts, Italians, French, Brits, Germans, Danes and more. All of them with flawless english and most of them with french too; in addition to all their other languages. Movers they were. Around Europe they'd been, studying and working. Science Po, LSE, Sorbonne and the like.

These were the elect few, the chosen, the future.

And me.

Some time ago, years, I would have eaten it all, but now...

What am I doing among these...elites and priviliged ...europeans? I'm lost, I went into the wrong room. Jag gömmer mig i mitt huvud; här inne är jag fri och mig själv. Med mitt eget hemliga språk som ingen av dom där förstår. I remain on guard.

And for lunch: Champagne


Bureaucrazy: preparations for Brussels

After my first day at work I had to go to Brussels for an introductory conference with all the other trainees, or stagières, as we are called in EU-lingo. Therefore the following posts will be a Brussels special about what happens if you mix a three-language country without a government with 600 young trainees from all over Europe, one swede with childhood memories of Brussels and a general strike. Well, it'll be the long version, because the short answer I can give right now: rain.


Tales from above the tree line

Some tiny fragments will be made public, those remembered, and those permitted. All of this is written on stolen paper.

I went above the tree line. To wander among the mountains, to let nature have me. And I saw.

I left the EU, and the uneasiness came over me. I was detached from Civilization, left to battle for myself against forces unknown. Norway. The brief foray in to this vast wildernss was soon over as I crossed over the fence separating the countries. A fence you say? Well, apparently the EU does not allow norwegian reindeers to enter its borders. Fortress Europe indeed.

I heard something, a sentence uttered. I remember it being two ladies talking in an hotel slightly below the tree line. This is what one of them said to the other: ..."he had found a way to make the day go..." Succinct and easy. A remarkable discovery, a beautiful description of the human struggle. Is he content?

And then some more fragments and quotes that stuck during this struggle of a summer.

"I have not been able to get over my successes"

...dare I go back? Am I already gone?

"Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion"



There's a man standing with a nice(an ice) shirt. Collared and framed, his face is indistinguishable from the outfit. He's wearing suit pants; ironed sharp. The hair is combed in an orderly fashion, with glasses to match. A black grown up coat completes the type. Clean.

I don't recognize myself. Is this the man that lived, loved and lost in Cairo? This is not me, I will resist!

Mirror, mirror on the wall, stop this nonsense! Who is this man?!

What am I doing now?

Ante-(up) establishment.

Since returning: fragments, events, no common...well that's a lie. One common denominator. The rest is just events. I mix them up, but the cocktail isn't better than the original, non-emergent. I digress.

My memory says I was in a bus, passing a forest and a theme park feeling thus: resistance. It came bubbling from deep inside, I was screaming against the opposing army. This will not stand, this can not stand! I will fight!

For an instant it's pushing everything else aside - I am the sword!

Then, slowly, receding, creeping back to its bastion. Waiting, preparing, staying ready, on alert.

The establishment will go on, and I with it. I will oppose.

...am I already?


Blue palette

I am still here.

A new chapter, a book lost. It's been different, harder. More crashes. Everything stays where it happens, I leave it there, put it there, it stays on its own. This time too much and I didn't take enough. So, I am less.

I want to write, I may even need to. To write myself. More on that in another post. Maybe. That is why I'm still here.

In any case, I am back where I could have continued some time ago: Europe.

I am now in its service, and, in the end, yours.

Where the path goes from here and who I'll become is...as it ever was, shrouded in mist, the door is open, and I'll keep it that way, whether I should or not. What form this blog will take from now on is...will...was...life. I have read and realized that solid matter and edge has had to give way to clouds and water. A change might be in order. Make no mistake however:

I will not lose anything if I stop.